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Children who are faced with the law in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System are children who are in conflict with the law, children who are victims of criminal acts, and children who are witnesses of criminal acts. A child who is in conflict with the law or a child perpetrator of a criminal act is a child who has reached the age of twelve but has not yet reached the age of eighteen who is suspected of having committed a criminal act. One of the activities in a series of activities in the criminal justice system is carried out by the Correctional Center (BAPAS) which is part of the activities of the prisoners' penitentiary system or the criminal justice sub-system. The duties and functions of the Correctional Center, hereinafter referred to as BAPAS, in this case, assist and assist the juvenile criminal justice system. It is hoped that it can facilitate and provide input to judges who try children's cases by seeing the results of the work of BAPAS, especially Community Advisors in making the results of social research. Based on this background, the authors formulate the problem, namely how the effectiveness of BAPAS Purwokerto in fostering and guiding children in conflict with  the  law  who  get  parole  and  what  constraints  are  experienced  by  BAPAS Purwokerto in guiding children in conflict with the law who get parole . This study aims to  explain  the  analysis  of  the  effectiveness  of  BAPAS  in  dealing  with  community guidance as a form of legal protection for children. conflict with a law that gets parole. Analyzing the obstacles experienced by BAPAS in providing guidance to children who get parole

This research is a sociological juridical type of research, by examining the legal provisions of primary data obtained from informants and resource persons by conducting field research in the form of observations and interviews and secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, then analyzed qualitatively and  the results  of the analysis. which is  explained  by the descriptive method. Research location at BAPAS Purwokerto

From the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the effectiveness of BAPAS Purwokerto in fostering and guiding children in conflict with the law who get parole is in accordance with the provisions contained in Law Number

12  of  1995  Concerning  Corrections  and  Law  Number  11  of  2012  concerning  the System. Juvenile Criminal Court, but in its implementation it has not been effective, because there are child clients who have committed repeated crimes or are recidivists. The obstacle factors of BAPAS Purwokerto in providing parole to children who are faced with the law are the constraints from the lack of complete infrastructure, lack of resources, both human resources and funding sources for client guidance regarding the schedule of child client guidance.


Keywords: Children Facing the Law, BAPAS, Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the

Juvenile Justice System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.jih.2021.7.2.188


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