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Banks are financial institutions that are a place for individuals, state-owned enterprises, private business entities, even government institutions to store their funds. Money laundering is a difficult problem to prove. Money laundering is often done by utilizing the services or facilities provided by banks. The Financial Services Authority is an institution established under Law No. 21 of 2011. This institution was established to conduct supervision of the financial services industry in an integrated manner in preventing the occurrence of money laundering crimes. The Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK) is an independent institution that is tasked with combating money laundering in Indonesia. Its two main tasks are to detect the occurrence of money laundering crimes and assist law enforcement related to money laundering and predicate crimes.

This research aims to analyze the role of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah West Java and Banten (Bank bjb) in preventing money laundering and analyze inhibiting factors in preventing money laundering crimes in PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah West Java and Banten (Bank bjb) Cirebon. This research was conducted using sociological juridical legal research methods (socio-legal research). The collected legal materials will be comprehensively reviewed and analyzed deductively with systematic presentation.

In this study it can be concluded that the role of Bank bjb in preventing money laundering crimes has been effectively carried out. This is evidenced by the results of bank bjb procedure that identifies / verivikasi customer data / prospective customer / walk in customer through bjb AMOLA so that customer data / prospective customers can be accessed through BJB AMOLA by using From Identification TKM so that Bank bjb becomes a healthy Bank. Inhibiting Factors in Tackling Money Laundering Crimes at PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah West Java and Banten (Bank bjb) Cirebon is a factor of law enforcement itself, which is related to juridical and technical constraints in finding evidence in finding evidence in conducting the results of identification, verification and monitoring of transactions carried out by money laundering criminals and the difficulty of asking for information from banks about the deposits of perpetrators against banks if money is made. The proceeds of the crime are stored in an account that does not belong to the perpetrator but is stored in the account of another party. In addition, there are still some customers who do not update data to Customer Service so as to cause a difference between the amount of income and the customer profile.

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