PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PADA KLINIK PRATAMA RAWAT INAP (Studi Tentang Penerapan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI. Nomor 028/ Menkes/ Per/I/2011 Tentang Klinik Di Kabupaten Cilacap)

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Health services at the clinic Pratama Hospitalization and the factors that affect the violations as well as the application of sanctions against Clinics Pratama Hospitalization in Cilacap Regency in providing health services in accordance with Permenkes RI Number 028/Menkes/Per/I/2011 About the clinic. Juridical sociological approach uses research. Research using primary data sourced from the head of the Ministry of health and District Health Service Kefarmasian Cilacap, head of Clinic Pratama Inpatient health care personnel, health care givers on Inpatient Clinic Pratama and community Clinics services using yaang Pratama hospitalization. Organized by the
health services Clinic Pratama Hospitalization is not fully in accordance with that set forth in Permenkes RI Number 028/Menkes/Per/I/2011 about the clinic. Factors of occurrence of offences, namely: 1) Ignorance about licensing Manager Radiology. 2) Limitations of human resources (doctor), a company based near to the clinic. 3) pharmacist-Manager was disproportionate to the number of existing pharmacies.

Keywords: Clinic, Health Services, Customers

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