This research aims to analyze the implementation of restorative justice principle in accomplishing the criminal act of sexual abuse that was conducted by children actors and to analyze the obstacles that were faced in implementing the restorative justice principle to accomplish the criminal act of sexual abuse that was conducted by children actors. Method in this research used the method of sociological juridical approach with type of sociological law research or empirical which its research location in the law area of Polres Banjarnegara and Purbalingga. In this research, source of data involved primary data source and secondary data source which the collection method of its data was conducted by interview, observation, and literature study and presented by using the narrative text form and then analyzed qualitatively. Â
            The result of research stated that Polres Banjarnegara and Purbalingga in the implementation of restorative justice principle in accomplishing  the criminal act of sexual abuse that was conducted by children actor it was known as the process of case accomplishment with penal mediation way that was the part of Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR. The implementation of restorative justice principle through the mediation that conducted by Polres Banjarnegara and Purbalingga that was the process of peace, stopping the investigation because the achievement of agreement, gave the school cost aid for the victim in the rape case, didn’t jail the children actor,  conducted the implementation of suspect, considered the certain aspect to mediate, married the victim with the suspect (married especially in the sexual intercourse case, that was if the victim got pregnant), concerned for the compensation for victim, conducted the law process but kept the children protection, case accomplishment by relative custom mediation.
           Beside that, the obstacle that was experienced by Polres Banjarnegara and Purbalingga in accomplishing the criminal act of sexual abuse that was conducted by children actor related with the law formulation or substance, institution problem and its structure, and cultural problem that lived and developed in the society. It was related with the knowledge that owned by the law officers and society knowledge about the implementation of restorative justice principle. These obstacle were such as the number of female police still very minimum, understanding of gender that was not appropriate enough, lacked of understanding of law and its regulation about the sexual abuse that was conducted by children actor, understanding of restorative justice principle was not deep enough, many of regulation about the children still ambiguity with other rule, there was not norm which guaranteed the similar in act, implementation of restorative justice was considered did not make the suspect aware its act and it was possible for them to do again, and it had not all the case could be accomplished with the restorative justice because there was the perception that wrong man had to be punished.
Key words: restorative justice, criminal act of sexual abuse, children actorsFull Text:
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