UPAYA PENANGGULANGAN INVESTMENT FRAUD (Studi di Kepolisian Resor Banyumas dan Kepolisian Resor Cilacap)

Raisha Aliana


Currently, lively sound problem investment fraud (the first integrated investment fraud) that takes a lot of sacrifice. the community has not yet quite wisely in selecting investment products that are safe. Generally, they are only tempted by the lure of the high services offered without great risk probe.

To know the efforts made the resort Police Banyumas and Cilacap Resort Police in tackling investment fraud (the first integrated investment fraud) and to analyze the verdict the number 99/Pid. B/2015/PN. PWT and verdict Number 374/Pid. Sus/2014/PN. Clp has provided a sense of fairness towards the victims. Methods of juridical sociological Approach used, Data sources: 1. Primary Data and 2. Secondary data, Qualitative data: methods of analysis.

Effort Polres Banyumas and Cilacap in Polres countermeasures investment fraud (fraud of the first integrated investment) is to do 3 effort i.e. pre-emtif efforts, preventive and repressive. Ruling Number 99/Pid. B/2015/PN. PWT votes already provide a sense of fairness towards its victims, it is because it was a ruling by judge dijatuhinya is in compliance with Regulatory Legislation namely Article 378 jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the CRIMINAL CODE.


Keyword: investment fraud, countermeasures, police

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20884/1.jih.2017.3.2.59


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