Baedi Mulyanto


The existence of the National Health Insurance Program organized by Healthcare and Social Security Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan or BPJS Kesehatan) causing increased number of visits to health centers. However, the increase patients were not followed by the increase of health human resources, especially Pharmacists. Being limited number of pharmacists who became one of the factors of negligence of pharmacist task in community healt centre.

This research aimed to analyze the implementation of Pharmaceutical care at the health center. This research also aims to analyze law enforcement due to the negligence of pharmacist task at the health center. This research methode is a qualitative by the sociological juridical approach. Collecting data through observation and interviews to 10 Pharmacists who work in health centers and the head of health centers, also  the head of  Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI) in Banyumas region

The pharmaceutical care in health centers are still not in accordance with the laws and regulations that apply where the phramacist task in the health centre is still done by a non-pharmacist staff and drug information to patient also incomplete in providing drug services, it is becoming one of the factors the occurrence of negligence.

Law enforcement due to the negligence of the pharmacist in performing pharmacist task at the health center willbe solved by take out-of-court action with promote the rights of the patient or the victim, in which patients who experience the error due to the negligence of the pharmacist then directly solved by replacing drug medications error and in case undesirable of side effects from the use of drugs is carried out free medical treatment in accordance with the provisions.

In increasing the phramaceutical care at the health center should be no additional health human resources, especially pharmacists or pharmacy technical staff while minimizing an increase in visits of patients will require an active role of other health professionals to optimize preventive health efforts in the awareness level of health awareness in the community. Staff pharmacist in health center should always increase the knowledge, skills and behavior in order to maintain and improve their competence through education and training.

Key words : Pharmacist, Negligence, Law Enforcement

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