Siti Asyfiyah


Geographical indication is one part of the intellectual property rights since the last decade began to be developed by countries in the world. Geographical indications play a role vital in giving the impression to the consumers about the existence of more value on products offered, both about the quality as well as properties that can enhance the competitiveness of a product, because the IG is beneficial increasing competitiveness strong enough in the market. Legal Sciences approach used in this study, the research is a descriptive analytical specifications. The type of the data are primary data and secondary data. Methods of data analysis used is normative qualitative.The results of studies on legal protection of potential IG in Brebes Regency, that Bradford has a range of potential that can be protected by the IG are: Brebes onion, Brebes eggs, black rice salted Sirampog and black tea Kaligua. Brebes Regency Government does not yet have a clear format about the development potential of the IG, yet there is one special area regulations to govern the IG and dig out the potential in Brebes Regency is an issue that must be resolved by the District Government. The community has not been registering potential IG Brebes and Brebes Regency Government also does not yet have a specific local regulations to protect IG potential legal protection then the County Brebes refers to the rules that apply in General, so that legal protection potential of Brebes Regency IG can be done with: Preventive legal protection and Repressive judicial protection. Brebes Regency society has not taken protective measures at all against a potential IG in its territory, because the weakness of the legal society awareness and lack of socialization of Dit HKI.

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