candra putra perwira


Efforts to uphold these human rights can also be carried out in consulting institutions. One of prisoners' rights in prison is the right to receive visits from their families. In Law Number 12 Year 1995 Article 14 letter (h) concerning Penitentiary states that prisoners are entitled to receive family visits, legal counsel or certain other people. The formulation of the problem in this study are: 1) What are the procedures for conducting prisoners' online visits to Class II A prison facilities in Permisan Nusakambangan? 2? What are the obstacles in making prisoners' online visits to Class II A prison facilities in Permisan Nusakambangan? The research method used in the study is a sociological juridical approach using descriptive methods using a qualitative approach. The results of this study are that the effectiveness of the online-based legal work system is related to the visit of prisoners in prisons especially in Class IIA Permisan Nusakambangan Island has been effective. It can be seen from some of these activities that the Cilacap prison officers are also supervised and used as an alternative means of visiting family visiting hours. However, in applying the online / web-based visit, there are obstacles related to the lack of computer skills of the employees, especially for registering visits online and the difficulty of accessing the code on visitor registration.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.jih.2022.8.2.289


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