Dani Amalia Arifin


The hospital as one of the health facilities, in Act No. 44 of 2009 About a hospital divided by type of service and its management. The hospital implement all the activities of the health service, which involves a wide range of professions health workers at the hospital, using hardware and software related to technology, applying the management the management of the hospital in order to serve the patients as the Hospital service users. As one of the health facilities. The method used is the juridical approach to normative or legal research only examined the references so that it referred to legal research library. As for another approach used is the Analytical approach (Analytical Approach).

The results showed civil liability action over Hospital negligence of health workers at the hospital that caused harm to patients in accordance with the provisions of Section 1367 KUHPerdata paragraph (3) and article 46 of the Act Number 44 in 2009 about the hospital. The responsibility of the civil law the hospital due to the negligence of health workers at the hospital in the form of liability based on tort law and liability based on tort.

Key Word: careless, healty service, liability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.jih.2016.2.1.31


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