Laras Diastika Putri


The CV (Commanditaire Vennotschap) loan agreement is an example of a
nominee agreement. Nominee agreement is one type of innominate agreement or
an anonymous agreement that is not regulated in the Civil Code, the birth of this
agreement in practice is based on the principle of freedom of contract in entering
into agreements and must meet the legal requirements of the agreement as
stipulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Government procurement of
goods/services, especially in construction work auctions, the practice of
borrowing the name of the CV agreement is often carried out by business actors,
both in writing and in writing (verbal), so that the loan agreement for the name of
the CV is as if the borrowing party is the holder of the contract. shares, or
directors of a company and others, while the legal action is carried out for the
purposes or interests of other parties. This borrowing of names becomes a
problem when the borrower does not perform as it should, either in default or
against the law. This article aims to analyze the validity of the CV name loan
agreement or CV flag borrowing in the practice of construction auctions and the
legal consequences for the owner of the CV whose company name is borrowed.
The research method used in this research is normative juridical, prescriptive
research type, data collection method literature study and document study, no
rmative qualitative analysis method. The CV name loan agreement is invalid
because it does not meet the legal requirements of the agreement in Article 1320
of the Civil Code, especially on the fourth condition, namely a lawful cause or
cause. The causa in the CV name loan agreement is a false causa, because the
causa that is violated is against the law. There are two legal consequences for the
owner of a CV whose company name is borrowed. The civil legal consequences,
namely, default and unlawful acts and administrative legal consequences, namely
the CV is listed on the black list or blacklist.

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