Imam Widiyanto


This study aims to understand the extent of the subject of law in the health ministry`s regulation this obeyits obligations, and constraints that have been faced in fulfilling facility or equipment practices.The research uses a method of approach juridical sociological, with the primary and secondary date. Date collection by means of interviews with informants, observation and documentary. Location this research in purbalingga it precisely in rembang, in kejobong and in kalimanah.

The research results show that the fulfillment of completeness place and apparatus for midwife practice has not been implemented effectively.Thus the implementation of the abovethe health ministry`s regulation not be reached,Cause of the low the effectiveness of health minister this includes: factors invented her own: The health ministry`s regulation number 1464/menkes/per/x/2010 regulation on licenses and the implementation of midwife practice in considerans does not include the purpose; a factor the law enforcement: supervision, guidance and supervision by the health office district Purbalingga was never;Factors facilities and facilities : absence of special officers assigned to supervise, guidance and supervision of dkk; as well as the community and culture: midwives request for permission practices private done collectively charity over organisationprofession so do not know the deficiency possible.It Ignorance of the health ministry`s regulation and attitude of the would not know the regulation.   


Keyword: effectivity, organisationprofession, licenses

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20884/1.jih.2016.2.2.72


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